
Dr. Phil Random Quote Generator

Quote: “You don't need tap dancing lessons to hug somebody you wanna kill.” Did Dr. Philly said that? Of course not. The newest internet fun is called the Dr. Phil Random Quote Generator. This little piece of software creates random quotations in Dr. Phil typical mannerism. You may check one of those countless Dr. Phil Random Quote Generators right here. Please, don’t forget to skip the note: “Several people have not used their brain, so we must remind you: THIS IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH DR. PHIL” in case you are willing to believe that Dr. Phil McGraw really said that. And, please, do not send a letter to him with please, explain. He really did not say it.

So, how the generator software works. It is a template that randomly selects oft-used Dr. Phil’s words and phrases and although it looks like his words of wisdom, it makes total nonsensical advice.

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